
Schlagwort-Archiv: St. Marie

Libertalia, the pirates’ republic

Nosy Mangabe

In the late 17th century Madagascar became the epitome of piracy. The infamous republic of pirates, Libertalia, is said to have existed in the northeast of the island. Everything is said to have started with the pirate James Misson. He is said to have been a Frenchman from Provence. During a stay in Rome, Misson, disgusted by the decadence of …


10 good reasons to travel to Madagascar

10 gute Gründe, nach Madagaskar zu reisen

#1 Baobabs: Madagascar’s legendary Baobab Alley is located in the west of the island. The mighty trees with their impressive silhouettes are famous all over the world. On Madagascar there are seven different species of Baobabs, on earth, there are only eight species in total. Discover the Baobab forests of Andavadoaka and visit the “Mother of the forest” in Tsimanampetsotsa! …


Airports in Madagascar

Flughafen Maroantsetra (3)

There are currently ten airports operating in Madagascar, only three of which offer international flights. Madagascar’s airports differ greatly in equipment, size and modern equipment such as safety checks or baggage carousels. The number of passengers handled and the professionalism of the local staff vary accordingly. Antananarivo (TNR): Ivato Airport, named after the capital’s district of the same name, is …


The gentle giants: Parson’s Chameleons

Calumma parsonii yellow lip aus Ranomafana

Two chameleon species have been fighting over the title of Madagascar’s largest chameleon for decades. So far the Parson’s Chameleon (Calumma parsonii parsonii) won, whose officially measured representatives with scarcely 70 cm of total length created few centimeters more than the in Madagascar omnipresent Giant Chameleon (Furcifer oustaleti). Parson’s Chameleons belong to the most impressive reptiles of Madagascar. They live …


Nosy Nato

Nosy Nato

Nosy Nato (in French Ile aux Nattes) is a small island of dreams south of St. Marie (Nosy Boraha). In fifteen minutes, you can drive there via pirogue from St. Marie. The island is about 8 km long and has some smaller hotels and lots of white beaches under palms. Most time of the year and mainly outside whale season …


The lighthouse of Nosy Nato

Leuchtturm von Nosy Nato

At the southern tip of the paradise island, Nosy Nato on the east coast of Madagascar lies a small lighthouse, which the islanders call “Phare Blévec”. It was built in 1914 under the French colonial power and is one of the oldest lighthouses of Madagascar. There are only a handful of historical lighthouses in Madagascar. The one on Nosy Tanikely …


Pirates’ cemetery St. Pierre

Legend tells that there was the famous pirates‘ republic of Libertalia at Madagascar’s eastcoast in 17th and 18th century, more precise at Nosy Boraha (St. Marie). Fallen over and skew, century old tombstones at the forlorn cemetery St. Pierre, near the biggest city oft he island, Ambodifotatra, bear witness at least to an adventurous time at the Malagasy island. Famous …


St. Marie (Nosy Boraha)


The two islands St. Marie (in Malagasy Nosy Boraha) and Nosy Nato are located at the East coast of Madagascar and belong to the province of Toamasina. Especially Nosy Boraha is, besides Nosy Be, one of the most visited islands of Madagascar and has a good infrastructure. St. Marie is relatively large, around 50 km long, above two to seven …


Ilot Madame

Museum Ilot Madame

In the east of the holiday island St. Marie (Nosy Boraha), there is a small island that is home only to a hand full of houses. Under French colonial power, it was called Ile aux Cayes, but in 1920 the French man Sylvain Roux renamed it. He called the island Ile aux Madame – island of the Madam (in Malagasy …

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