
Schlagwort-Archiv: lighthouses

The lighthouse of Katsepy

On the Katsepy peninsula, situated on a 121-meter high cliff, stands one of the few historical lighthouses of Madagascar. The bay of Bombetoka separates Katsepy from the largest port city in the West, Mahajanga, in the Boeny region. If you cross the bay by boat through the red-colored water, which is fed by the river Betsiboka and carries laterite, you …


The lighthouse of Nosy Tanikely

Although Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world with an incredible number of kilometers of coastline, the entire island is home to just a small number of historic lighthouses. One of them is located on the small, paradisiacal island of Nosy Tanikely in northwest Madagascar. The island is now a national park and thus a protected area. The …


The lighthouse of Nosy Nato

Leuchtturm von Nosy Nato

At the southern tip of the paradise island, Nosy Nato on the east coast of Madagascar lies a small lighthouse, which the islanders call “Phare Blévec”. It was built in 1914 under the French colonial power and is one of the oldest lighthouses of Madagascar. There are only a handful of historical lighthouses in Madagascar. The one on Nosy Tanikely …

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