
Schlagwort-Archiv: Hot Spot

Whale Sharks – The Giants of the Seas

Until a few years ago, whale sharks, Rhincodon typus, had never been heard of in connection with Madagascar. Today Madagascar is the absolute insider tip for anyone who wants to experience whale sharks up close. The life of whale sharks is still almost unknown Whale sharks belong to the nurse sharks. This makes them the largest fish in the world. …


10 good reasons to travel to Madagascar

10 gute Gründe, nach Madagaskar zu reisen

#1 Baobabs: Madagascar’s legendary Baobab Alley is located in the west of the island. The mighty trees with their impressive silhouettes are famous all over the world. On Madagascar there are seven different species of Baobabs, on earth, there are only eight species in total. Discover the Baobab forests of Andavadoaka and visit the “Mother of the forest” in Tsimanampetsotsa! …

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