
Schlagwort-Archiv: Baobab

The Baobab Forest of Andavadoaka


The fishing village of Andavadoaka in the region of Atsimo-Andrefana is situated on a picturesque beach on the southwest coast of Madagascar. It is located about 170 km north of the city of Toliara (French: Tuléar). A large coral reef protects the bay of the same name. Not only divers find a true paradise here. White sand and turquoise blue …


The country of Baobabs


What would Madagascar be without its giant landmarks, the mighty baobabs? Over here, they might be known as monkey bread, and have been famous as photo motives and in literatures for centuries. These huge trees, whose roots seems to grow into the sky, enchant everyone, and many baobabs are told to possess magic power. Madagascar has not less than seven …


Baobab Avenue

The legendary Baobab Avenue is located on the road (or let’s better say the dusty slope) between Morondava and Belo sur Tsiribinha in west Madagascar. It is in the province of Menabe. Everywhere along the road between those two cities, you can find the impressive Baobab trees, only a small part of 250 meters length is known as Baobab Avenue …


The old Baobab of Mahajanga

Baobab von Mahajanga

Mahajanga (formerly French Majunga) is the capital of the province of the same name in northwestern Madagascar and with more than 250,000 inhabitants one of the largest cities in Madagascar. It is located directly at the entrance of Bombetoka Bay. The oldest Baobab in Madagascar stands directly on the coast, just a few meters from the water. Legend has it …


Flora in general

Not only Madagascar’s fauna is unique, but animal life is also at home in a fantastic flora. It is estimated that Madagascar is home to around 14,000 different plant species. Over three-quarters of them are found nowhere else in the world. Unfortunately, more and more non-native plants are spreading all over Madagascar. Introduced pines and eucalyptus grow wherever the original …

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