
Schlagwort-Archiv: Ranavalona I.

The Palace of the Prime Minister

If you drive in Antananarivo via Rue Ravelojaona in the direction of Rova, a red-and-white building with four striking towers will immediately catch your eye. It is the palace of the prime minister. It was built under Queen Ranvalona I for the then Prime Minister Rainilaiarivony. The first palace was still made of wood but was replaced by the present …


The oldest houses of Antananarivo

In the upper town of Antananarivo, you can find today the historical center of the city, Faravohitra. The two oldest houses of the city are also located in this district. They are located somewhat inconspicuously on a hillside. Both houses were built exactly as they still stand today, probably already at the end of the 18th or the beginning of …


The Rova of Antananarivo


It is enthroned on the once highest hill, Analamanga, at 1462 m with a view over the whole city: The Royal Palace or simply Rova (this is the Malagasy word for palace) of Antananarivo. It is located in the central highlands in the middle of Madagascar’s capital on one of the twelve sacred hills of the Merina. The first buildings …


Ranavalona’s I. reign of terror

Ranavalona I

In 1828, after the death of her husband, Queen Ranavalona I. came into power by killing all other potential regents (wives, sons, mothers). At that time, she was between 30 and 40 years old. Ranavalona I. went down in history rather ingloriously and bears the surname “the cruel”. Many Malagasy call her regency tany maizina, in English “years of darkness”. …

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