
Schlagwort-Archiv: sea turtles

The Hawksbill Turtle

Once hunted for their tortoiseshell, now threatened with extinction Five species of sea turtles are found around Madagascar’s coasts and islands. One of the best known is probably the hawksbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata. It is most famous for its tortoiseshell, French caret, a term from the French Antilles. It refers to both the animal itself and the valuable tortoiseshell obtained …


Nosy Tanikely national park

Nosy Tanikely

Nosy Tanikely: Nosy Tanikely means “island of little earth”, which alludes to the small area of the island. The often-used spelling “Tanihely” with h instead of k is not a spelling mistake, but only the name of the park in the dialect of the local people, the Sakalava. Location: Nosy Tanikely National Park is located in northwestern Madagascar off the …

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