Berenty: The name of the reserve means ‘many eels’, alluding to the once abundant fishing grounds of the Mandrare River. Berenty is one of the most visited protected areas in Madagascar. Location: The Berenty reserve is located 82 kilometres west of the coastal town of Tolagnaro (French: Fort Dauphin) in the far south of Madagascar. From Tolagnaro, Berenty can be …
LesenSchlagwort-Archiv: Verreaux’s sifakas
Kirindy reserve
Kirindy: The word Kirindy means as much as „dense forest with wild animals“. Due to the more south located national park Kirindy-Mitea, the reserve is also known as “Kirindy Nord”. From former times it has the name “La forêt des Suisses”, the Swiss people’s forest. Location: Kirindy Forest is located in western Madagascar in Menabe region. From the capital of …
LesenZombitse-Vohibasia national park
Zombitse-Vohibasia: The compounded name of this national park derives from two of three areas belonging to the park. Zombitse means as much as „dense forest“ and thus names the dry forest of the national park. Vohibasia is the savannah in front of this forest and means „hill of pistols“, which is attributed to conflicts between the people of the South …
LesenLemurs, the spirits of the forest
Lemurs are probably Madagascar’s most famous mammals – not for nothing because they originally exist only there and nowhere else in the world. They belong to the strepsirrhine primates and are divided into about 100 different species. The word lemures comes from Latin and refers to the spirits of the dead of ancient Rome, who have little resemblance to the …