
Schlagwort-Archiv: cake

Manioc coconut cake

Mofomamy mangahazo sy voanio This luscious cake uses manioc, the root of the cassava plant, as the basic ingredient. In Malagasy, the tuber is called mangahazo, which means blue tree. The term alludes to the prussic acid in the tuber’s skin. In Madagascar, cassava is available very cheaply everywhere – in contrast to the cereal flour that would be used …


Banana bread

Mofomamy akondro Banana bread is a cake that is served often for breakfast in hotels and restaurants in Madagascar. It is a sweet and juicy cake which keeps fresh for days – if you have not eaten it before. In Madagascar, people plant a lot of bananas. The full-grown plant serves as a property line, the bananas serve as nutrition …


Overturned pineapple cake

Mofomamy mananasy Mofomamy means as much as “sweet bread” or “sweet dough”, here it means a pineapple cake. Pineapples are available almost everywhere in Madagascar, mostly fresh from the field. They taste much sweeter in the tropics than in Europe, but you can trick it a bit and use the sweeter baby pineapples for the cake. The rum we recommend …


Koba akondro

Koba akondro

Koba akondro is a thick cake made of bananas, rice flour and peanuts. In Madagascar, you can buy it as snack in train and trucker stations, folded in banana leaves. The big brother of Koba akondro is Koba ravina, a cake made only of rice flour, sugar and peanuts. It looks very similar inside, but is usually cut in large …
