
Schlagwort-Archiv: Fluss

The red river Betsiboka

The Betsiboka River is one of the longest rivers in Madagascar with 525 kilometers. It has its source at around 1600 meters above sea level in the central highlands. From there it flows in a north-western direction, passes the capital Antananarivo and continues in a meandering course. The Betsiboka has a water catchment area of around 11,800 km². Some areas …


The graves of the Vazimba

An ancient legend says that the first people in Madagascar were the Vazimba. They came from far away in boats across the great sea to colonize the new land they called Madagascar. According to legend, they found their home in the Tsingys, the needle-sharp rocks of Bemaraha, in western Madagascar. To reach the Tsingys, one still has to cross the …

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