
Schlagwort-Archiv: Flight Madagascar

Airports in Madagascar

Flughafen Maroantsetra (3)

There are currently ten airports operating in Madagascar, only three of which offer international flights. Madagascar’s airports differ greatly in equipment, size and modern equipment such as safety checks or baggage carousels. The number of passengers handled and the professionalism of the local staff vary accordingly. Antananarivo (TNR): Ivato Airport, named after the capital’s district of the same name, is …


Long-haul and domestic flights

Airlines to Madagascar The following airlines fly from Europe to Madagascar: Air Austral, Air Seychelles, Air Madagascar, Air France, Kenya Airways, South African Airways, Turkish Airways, Air Mauritius and Corse Air. Direct flights from the largest Paris airport (Charles de Gaulles) to Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, are offered only by Air France, Air Kenya and Air Madagascar. Air Corse …

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