
Schlagwort-Archiv: Antsiranana

THB – One beer for a whole country

Currently, there are very few types of beer in Madagascar. The most famous and widespread beer is THB. The abbreviation stands for Three Horses Beer. It is a pilsner that has been brewed in Madagascar since 1958. THB can be found even in the smallest villages – and usually chilled. It has 5.4% alcohol and is made from water, barley …


Bay of Antsiranana (Diego Suarez)

Bucht von Diego Suarez 2017

Antsiranana, better known under its old French name Diego Suarez, is located at the northernmost tip of Madagascar. The city is situated on a beautiful 250 km² bay with white beaches where the waves of the turquoise-blue Indian Ocean run out. After the bay of Rio de Janeiro, it is the second largest natural bay in the world. Actually it …
