
Schlagwort-Archiv: Zebus

Zebu sandwich

Bild eines Sandwichs mit Salat, Tomaten gebratenen Rindfleisch in Sauce

Mofo amin’ny omby This recipe comes from one of Madagascar’s most famous hotels in the eastern highlands and is wonderful for picnics, a quick dinner, or even for breakfast. Ingredients for 2 large sandwiches: 500 g beef hip (zebu, if available) 1 medium-sized onion 2 tomatoes Iceberg lettuce 2 tablespoons of oil 1 tablespoon of water 1 tablespoon dark soy …


Madagascar’s secret emblem: The zebu


It is Madagascar’s secret emblem: The zebu (Bos taurus indicus), in Malagasy language omby. You can see them everywhere around the country, about 19 millions live on the red soil of the island. In Madagascar, zebus symbolize power, strength and particularly prosperity. An average zebu tips the scales at 300 to 400 kg – at an shoulder height of approximately …


Atelier “The six brothers”

The zebu is Madagascar’s most common kept animal, and shapes the country today strongly. Whether on the road, in the middle of the city, on rice fields or in the smallest hut villages – everywhere you will find cattle with the typical hump. They provide many Madagascans with a small income, offer meat and – admittedly relatively little – give …
